
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Maths Whizz

As you can see up above, there is a picture of the these things: My Maths age, My Usage and last but not least, my Performance. As you can see, in the last 7 days I started off with, 0.00 and have now gone up to, 11.52, which I think is a great from the last. My usage as you can see, started from 0 minutes of usage, but now, I am now using a total of 205 minutes. My performance looks as if it has been improved for the last 7 days. So there you go, that is where I am at my Maths Whizz. If you want to visit or sign up for this site for free, just go to,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The flag of France

As you can see, the flag I have drawn up above is France, who will be playing in the Rugby World Cup 2011. The task was to find the meaning of the colors on this flag. It was pretty difficult to search for the meaning of the colors, but it turned out that this is what they meant: The Blue stands for: The power of influence that France has had over other countries. The White stands for: Peace and Purity. The Red stands for: A symbol of Bloodshed that must be lost in honour of the country.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Our Place, Our Team Presentation

This presentation was made by a group I was in. This has information about New Zealand, such as, The team, The people, traditions, celebrations, Background, Historically, significant places and events. My group was filled with 4 talented students in my class, Selena, Mubasshira, Thora and Me. I thought it was a great experience, because I learnt more and more things about New Zealand and the All Blacks. If you start this presentation you will see what I learned and experienced while making this. Hope you enjoy!