
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My information about the Megalosaurus

The Megalosaurus was a lizard hipped dinosaur also a saurischian and it name means great lizard. It lived about 170 million years ago,at a time when the earth was mild. The world's plants were large and plentiful,as in a rain forest today. There were forest trees such as conifers,cycads and ginkoes,ferns and horse-tails grew on the ground. This scene would have been home to Megalosaurus.  

A Megalosaurus was a large meat-eating predator. It's jaws were packed with sharp,serrated teeth which curved backwards into it's mouth. They were ideal for cutting through meat.

We know that it lived about 170 million years ago,at a time when the earth's weather was mild.  The world's plants were large and plentiful,as in a rain forest today. There were forest trees such as conifers cycads and ginkgoes ,and ferns and horse-tails grew on the ground. This scene would have been home to Megalosaurus.

Some people belive that the dinosaurs died because a metephore hit earth. Others said that a volcano erupted and all the dinosaurs got wiped out.

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